Wednesday, 11.05.2016
18:00 | Get together at the IOB (optional) with barbecue and drinks |
Thursday, 12.05.2016
9:00 | Welcome and Introduction to the RWTH Aachen University and the Department for Industrial Furnaces and Heat Engineering |
9:15 | The past and the future of RFCS funded EAF research – results of the VALEAF project Thomas Echterhof |
10:00 | Foaming Slag Management by Process-Controlled Feeding of Fine Coal at a 165 t AC Electric Arc Furnace Steffen Osterloh, Vico Haverkamp |
10:45 | Coffee break |
11:15 | Modelling of the Gas Phase in an Electric Arc Furnace Process Simulation Model Thomas Meier, Thomas Echterhof, Herbert Pfeifer |
12:00 | Sensitivity study on electric arc furnace dedusting system model based on the input leak air calculation Atefeh Hassannia, Thomas Echterhof, Herbert Pfeifer |
12:45 | Lunch |
13:45 | Optical emission spectrum measurement in on-line analysis of scrap melting in electric arc furnaces Matti Aula, Mikko Jokinen, Timo Fabritius |
14:30 | Spectrometric and Vibration Measurements at a 140 t DC Electric Arc Furnace for On-Line Evaluation of Scrap Meltdown Behaviour Sebastian Gogolin, Vico Haverkamp |
15:15 | Coffee break |
15:45 | Indication of flat bath using acoustic measurements in a 6 ton AC EAF Christoffer N. Schmidt, Nils Å.I. Andersson, Anders Tilliander, Pär G. Jönsson |
18:00 | Guided City tour |
20:00 | Dinner |
Friday, 13.05.2016
9:00 | The microstructural scale of the interaction between Pig Iron (PI) and Hot Briquetted Iron (HBI) at high temperatures A. F. Ciuffini, C. Di Cecca, S. Barella, A. Gruttadauria, C. Mapelli |
9:45 | Charging of direct reduced iron in EAF: effect on yield C. Di Cecca, A. F. Ciuffini, S. Barella, C. Mapelli, A. Gruttadauria, D. Mombelli |
10:30 | Coffee break |
11:00 | Investigation of the suitability of biogenic materials for the application in EAF steelmaking as substitutes for fossil resources Thomas Willms, Thomas Echterhof, Herbert Pfeifer |
11:45 | LCA Case study: Environmental impacts of the biochar usage in the Electric Arc Furnace Tim Reichel, Thomas Echterhof, Herbert Pfeifer |
12:30 | Lunch |
14:00 | End of the Symposium |
The programme can also be downloaded as a pdf here.
The abstracts of the presentations are available as a pdf – EASES 2016 abstract booklet – for download.