Here you can find the programme of the 5th European Academic Symposium on EAF Steelmaking on 05-07 June 2023.
Monday, 05. June 2023
18:00 | Get together and city tour Meeting at Toripolliisi Statue with Henri Pauna |
Tuesday, 06. June 2023
Saalastinsali Auditorium
8:00 | Registration open |
9:00 | Welcome to EASES 2023 Ville-Valtteri Visuri |
Session on Process control and sensors Session chairs: Matti Aula and Henri Pauna |
9:20 | Electric steelmaking process monitoring with optical emission spectroscopy – An in-depth review Arto Rautioaho, Henri Pauna, Ville-Valtteri Visuri, Marko Huttula, Timo Fabritius, University of Oulu |
9:40 | An In-Situ Analysis Method in EAF and BOF Steelmaking Bernhard Mitas, Henri Pauna, Joachim Feldbacher, Johannes Schenk, K1-MET GMBH |
10:00 | Soft sensor approach for continuous estimation of EAF bath temperature Aljaž Blažič, Igor Škrjanc, Vito Logar, University of Ljubljana |
10:20 | Determination of the Hot Heel in an Electric Arc Furnace Using Computer Vision Amit Sharma, Thomas Echterhof, Herbert Pfeifer, RWTH Aachen University |
10:40 | A Decision Support System for Optimizing Electric Arc Furnace Operations using Mechanistic and Data-driven Models Simon Tomažič, Vito Logar, Igor Škrjanc, University of Ljubljana |
11:00 | Coffee break |
Session on Process modelling and simulation I Session chairs: Alberto Conejo and Chuan Wang |
11:20 | Simulations of 3D Hydrogen Electric Arc and Effect of External Magnetic Field on Arc Flow Dynamics Mohamad Al-Nasser, Abdellah Kharicha, Hadi Barati, Menghuai Wu, Andreas Ludwig, Christian Redl, Bertram Ofner, Anton Ishmurzin, Nikolaus Voller, Gernot Hackl, University of Leoben |
11:40 | Modelling 3D Electro vortex Flow inside liquid metal and Effect of External Magnetic Fields on Flow Pattern Mohamad Al-Nasser, Abdellah Kharicha, Hadi Barati, Menghuai Wu, Andreas Ludwig, Christian Redl, Bertram Ofner, Anton Ishmurzin, Nikolaus Voller, Gernot Hackl, University of Leoben |
12:00 | Fluid flow simulation of an EAF with bottom gas injection and coherent jets Fornah Samuel, Zhu Rong, Wei Guangsheng, Junfeng Yang, Conejo Alberto, University of Science and Technology Beijing |
12:20 | Lunch |
13:20 | Hydrogen-Ready CoJet Technologies For EAF Steelmaking Pascal Kwaschny, Joachim von Scheele, David Muren, Linde AG |
13:40 | A Review of Thermodynamic and Kinetic Models for the behavior of Nitrogen in an Electric Arc Furnace Siddharth Nachankar, Thomas Echterhof, Herbert Pfeifer, RWTH Aachen University |
Session on Process modelling and simulation II Session chairs: Vito Logar and Petri Sulasalmi |
14:00 | On the differences of modelling scrap- and DRI-based EAF processes Ville-Valtteri Visuri, Ilpo Mäkelä, University of Oulu |
14:20 | EAF process simulation on using hydrochar as a carburization agent Chuan Wang and Mikael Lindvall, Swerim AB |
14:40 | Coffee break |
15:00 | Coupled dynamic modelling of scrap melting and gas phase reactions in the EAF process Ilpo Mäkelä, Ville-Valtteri Visuri, Matti Aula, Thomas Echterhof, University of Oulu |
15:20 | Theoretical electric arc furnace model for online estimation of the unmeasured process variables Vito Logar, Igor Škrjanc, University of Ljubljana |
15:40 | Simulation and analysis of the EAF-based steel production process using dynamic models Dimitra Papamantellou, Saikat Chatterjee, Sourav Panda, Tata Steel |
16:00 | Laboratory tour |
16:45 | Bus transfer to the City Centre |
18:00 | Dinner at Ravintola Rauhala |
Wednesday, 07. June 2023
Saalastinsali Auditorium
9:00 | Opening of Day 2 Thomas Echterhof |
Session on Slag and by-products engineering, processing and valorisation Session chairs: Rita Kallio and Davide Mombelli |
9:10 | Software tool to estimate the influence of Cu content of scrap in the scrap mix TCO Asier Vicente Rojo, Edurne Nuñez, ArcelorMittal Global Research & Development |
9:30 | Evaluating suitability of bricks to be charged to electric arc furnace Ahmed Abdelrahim, Matti Aula, Timo Fabritius, University of Oulu |
9:50 | Laboratory Scale Evaluation of the Slag Foaming Behavior Andreas Pfeiffer, Kathrin Thiele, Gerald Wimmer, Johannes Schenk, Primetals Technologies Austria / Montanuniversität Leoben |
10:10 | Forecasting slag compositions for the optimal valorisation of electric steelworks slags Alice Petrucciani, Antonella Zaccara, Ismael Matino, Marco Vannucci, Valentina Colla, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna |
10:30 | Manipulation of the leaching behavior of high-alloyed steel EAF slags through the particle size modulation Davide Mombelli, Gianluca Dall’Osto, Salvatore Cozzo, Carlo Mapelli, Politecnico di Milano |
10:50 | Coffee break |
Session on CO2 emission reduction and environmental impact Session chairs: Thomas Echterhof and Simon Tomažič |
11:20 | Pathways for the environmental impact mitigation of the scrap recycling route in Italy Gianluca Dall’Osto, Giacomo Villa, Davide Mombelli, Silvia Barella, Andrea Gruttadauria, Carlo Mapelli, Politecnico di Milano |
11:40 | Decreasing the environmental impact of the electric steel making process through implementation of retrofitting solutions Felix Kaiser, Tim Reichel, Thomas Echterhof, Diana Mier, Iñigo Unamuno, Herbert Pfeifer, RWTH Aachen University |
12:00 | Low impact Electric Arc Furnace: how to combine de-carbonization, energy saving and limited environmental emissions in modern electric steelmaking Andrea Lanari, Massimiliano Daita, SMS group SpA |
12:20 | Lunch |
13:00 | Biochar as a slag foaming agent in EAF – A novel experimental setup Eetu Hoikkaniemi, Petri Sulasalmi, Ville-Valtteri Visuri, Timo Fabritius, SSAB Europe Oy / University of Oulu |
13:20 | Application of hydrogen operated burners in the electric arc furnace Lilly Schüttensack, Thomas Echterhof, Herbert Pfeifer, RWTH Aachen University |
13:40 | Feasibility of direct carbon fuel cells as a synergistic energy source in the scrap recycling route Gianluca Dall’Osto, Davide Mombelli, Andrea Pittalis, Carlo Mapelli, Politecnico di Milano |
14:00 | Cofffee break |
Session on Fossil-free raw materials in the EAF Session chairs: Isnaldi R. Souza Filho and Petri Sulasalmi |
14:20 | Investigations in Hydrogen Ironmaking Joe Govro, Missouri University of Science and Technology |
14:40 | Fundamentals of the hydrogen plasma reduction of iron ores Isnaldi R. Souza Filho, Dierk Raabe, Hauke Springer, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH |
15:00 | Development of a New Laboratory-scale Reduction Facility For the H2 Plasma Smelting Reduction of Iron Ores Based on a Multi-electrode Arc Furnace Concept Felix Hoffelner, Johannes Schenk, Michael Zarl, Montanuniversitaet Leoben |
15:20 | End of the Symposium |
The programme can also be downloaded as a pdf here: Programme EASES 2023.
The abstracts of the presentations are also available as a combined pdf – EASES 2023 abstract booklet – for download.